When we got here there was a team of dr's and nurses around his bed working on him, the Nurse Practioner sat me down and started explaining everything to me. Everything she said to me was a fog! I didn't understand a thing of it. Over time I started to understand. Basically about 4am on that saturday he'd gotten really mad, and started to have a hard time oxygenating his own blood, they quickly realized that the blood in his body was going the wrong way. Which was foreign to me, but what it means is when babies are in the womb their blood goes from the heart to the stomach, it bypasses the lungs. Because I oxygenated his blood for him. Well since he wasn't inside anymore it made him VERY VERY sick. so they put him on the ventilator and he did ok. They had to heavily sedate him so he wouldn't pull stuff out and that way he could rest as well.
On Tuesday they had to put him on whats called Inhaled Nitrious Oxide or INO as they called it, and that helped him relax even more so that the spot in his heart where the blood went the opposite way could close up. On this past sunday he came off the INO and Tuesday Morning he came off the oxygen. On Monday Night he started to eat from a bottle! He has to eat atleast 2 oz of milk and maintain his weight before we can go home. He is at 55 cc's of milk and has eat 60 consistantly. So we are almost there. Hopefully we'll be going home by early next week. The dr said yesterday she didn't see us here for more than another week! So please continue praying that we come home soon! :)
He's beautiful! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that! I cried with you girl, thats horrible for anybody to have to go through! I wish there was something that I could do. Stay strong and I'm praying that he comes home soon!
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ReplyDeleteHave fun with it!!